Category: Syringes or Needles

Recent Cases of Infection during GI Endoscopy and Other Surgical Procedures: A Focus on Patient Notification

September 30, 2014 — This article discusses a number of recent instances of transmission of the hepatitis C virus and other infectious agents during gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy and other surgical…

Confirmed Patient-to-Patient Transmission of Hepatitis C in Canada during Endoscopy, 2014

September 20, 2014 — The Brant News (Canada) reported on January 23, 2014, that human error is likely to blame for at least one instance of hepatitis C infection following…

Recommendations to Prevent Viral Transmissions due to Improper Medical Practices

September 30, 2014 — This article discusses the faulty clinical practice of reusing contaminated syringes, needles and both multi- and single-dose vials of medicine. This article also provides important recommendations…