Category: Semicritical Devices

Risk of Disease Transmission Associated with Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

January 3, 2013 (updated July 28, 2013, revised April 24, 2014) — This article responds to an article published in The Los Angeles Times. Although this Times’ article was published…

Case Study: A “Dirty” Gastrointestinal Endoscope

January 2, 2013 — This article presents a case study, for the purpose of education, that details events at a fictional facility known as “Hospital X.” Breaches in reprocessing protocols…

The Partial Immersion of a Flexible Endoscope in the Disinfectant?

There are two rules of thumbs (among others), in particular, that are apropos to questions about whether a flexible “ENT” endoscope, like any other type of flexible endoscope, may be…