Tag: TapWater

4th Patient Dies, 15 Infected at Greenville Memorial Hospital Likely Due to Contaminated Tap Water

June 27, 2014 — In late May, 2014, officials of the Greenville Health System in South Carolina identified a number of patients infected with an “unusual” type of organism. The…

Tap Water Used for Irrigation during GI Endoscopy: A Recommendation and Assessment of the Infection Risk

February 18, 2014 — This article discusses the potential for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) associated with the use of tap water, compared to sterile water, for irrigation (and/or cleansing the endoscope’s…

“Disposable” Irrigation Tubing Used During Gastrointestinal Endoscopy A review of several marketed irrigating tubing kits.

August 15, 2013 (updated: January 27, 2015) — This article by Dr. Muscarella is the 2nd in a series of three that discusses disposable tubing used for irrigation during gastrointestinal…